Monday, November 09, 2009

Things you need to know before upgrading your Graphics Card(s)!

Before upgrading your graphics card you must check the following:

1) Your PSU Wattage (power supply unit)
- To find out the wattage of your PSU is simple:

WARNING: Children must not do this, please get an adult to do this for you!

a. Turn off your PC. Leave the plug in the wall but switch the power off!
b. Open your case and look on the power supply unit and find a number with the letter W next to it.
c. Note this down. It will more likely be some along the lines of ... 250W, 300W, 350W, 400W, 480W etc ... you may find it to be lower or higher or in-between!

2) The space in your case i.e. Will it fit?
3) Does the new card require certain power cords?
- does it require extra molex cables (power cables)?
- does it require a 12v line cable directly from your PSU?

They are easy to install and I highly recommend watching the following video if you are unsure:

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