Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Operating System Crashed? Lost Everything? Easy way round ...

Have you ever been in a situation whereby you have had a virus infection, or some hardware has caused a system crash? Then as a consequence you have lost all your personal data?

Well there is an easy answer to this and it is one that I have personally used for a long time.

When setting up your PC (doesn't really work on laptops), install two internal hard disk drives; not just one!


Simple, install the operating system, along with software and possibly games on to the first hard disk drive.

Then any personal files I would recommend saving to the second disk drive.

In the future if your operating system fails or crashes and you have to do a complete reinstall, all your personal data files are still stored on the second disk drive ... AND because you're installing the OS on the first disk drive, you won't over-write your personal data files, hence why they will still be there once the operating system has been re-installed.

Great isn't it!

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