Thursday, October 29, 2020

Notepad++ Compare plugin colour settings for any dark mode style (e.g. obsidian)

Here are a set of colours which work well with the Notepad++ Compare plugin for any dark mode style used within Notepad++. I personally prefer to use the style Obsidian.

Change each of the compare colour settings to the following: R-G-B

i.e. In notepad++, go to "Plugins > Compare > Settings" and change the following using the provided RGB values:
  • Added new line = 0-100-0 (dark green)
  • Deleted line = 100-0-0 (dark red)
  • Moved line = 0-60-119 (darkish blue)
  • Changed line = 125-125-30 (dark gold)
  • Changed highlight = 255-140-0 (dark orange)
  • Highlight Transparency = 100



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