Adding email to your web site can be a great way for your users to get in touch with you with issues they have which you can help them with. The problem is, as soon as you do that, it is likely your email address will attract a lot of spam bots obtaining your address to advertise things you really don't want to hear about.
So how do you get around this problem?
I recently discovered !
This is fantastic I will probably use it on my web sites in the future.
What does it do?
" lets you convert your e-mail address into a URL that is protected from spammers by a captcha test.
You can use a tinymailto URL to put it in public places like web pages, forum/e-mail signatures, etc. If someone wants to get your e-mail address, the person must pass a Captcha test in order to view and use your e-mail address.
This way, you can protect your e-mail address from spammers and web robots (web-bots).
A Captcha test is an image that can be interpreted only by a human being. will work for you if you already put your e-mail address on the web sites."
Learn more by visiting the web site at